AJ Hague Resources

The following is the resource from AJ Hague that was mentioned in the July/August 2013 issue of Missions Frontiers Magazine.

1. Adam . . . “. . . the Garment of Righteousness, that is the best . . .” (7:26)

S. 20:115-­‐123 . . . the story of Adam and his wife.
S. 2:30-­‐39 . . . a second account of the garden experience
S. 7:11-­‐27 . . . a third account, including now: “. . . the garment of Righteousness, that is the best. . .” (7:26)

T. Genesis 3 “…her seed… shall crush you (the serpent) on the head…”(vs15)

2. Noah (Nuh)…“…We bore their race on an ark…” (36:41)

S. 11:25-­‐49 . . . Noah and the flood story
S. 26:119-­‐121 . . . the flood is an act of God and a Sign
S. 29:14,15 . . . the cause of destruction-­‐ a refusal to repent
S. 36:41 . . . the way God saved them is a sign (ie . . . he carried them to safety)
“. . . we bore their race in the loaded ark.”
S.37:75-­‐82 “. . . we delivered him and his people from the great calamity” (vs. 76)
S.54:9-­‐15 “…we bore him on an ark…” (vs.13)
T Genesis 6:6-­‐8:20
T Genesis 9:1 8-­‐17

3. Abraham (Ibrahim) . . . “. . . we ransomed him with a great sacrifice . . .” (37:107)

S. 19:41-­‐50 . . . the story of Abraham
S. 4:125 . . . Allah took Abraham as a friend . . . S. 15:51-­‐56 . . . prophesy of a son
S. 11: 69-­‐73 . . . Sarah laughs
S. 14:39-­‐41 “O our Lord! Cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness . . .”
S. 37:83-­‐113 . . . offering his son . . . “we ransomed him with a ‘great sacrifice’ . . .”
(S. 37:107)

T Gen. 15:6 “. . . he believed in the Lord; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.”
T Gen 12:1-­‐4
T Gen 17
T Gen 22 (esp vs 8-­‐14) I Romans 4:1-­‐22
I Galatians 3:8,9

4. Moses (Musa)… “… Moses did the great Sign…” (79:20)

S. 20:9-­‐104 . . . story of Moses . . . Pharaoh . . . cross Red Sea
“. . . I am He that forgives again and again, to those who repent, believe, and do right – who, in fine, are ready to receive true guidance.” (vs 82)
S. 7:103, 127-­‐156, 160 . . . story of Moses . . . magicians . . . safely across the sea . . . So we sent (plagues) on them: wholesale death, locust, lice, frogs and blood, signs openly self-­‐explained: but they . . . a people given to sin (vs 133)
We rescued from Pharaoh’s people, who afflicted you with the worst of penalties, who slew your male children . . . a momentous trial from your Lord (vs 141) see also verses 149, 155
S. 26:60-­‐68 . . . Parting of Red Sea
S. 79:15-­‐26 . . . ”then Moses did the great Sign.” (79:20)

T Exodus 11:4,5
T Exodus 12:23-­‐24 T Exodus 12:29-­‐32

5. David (Dawud) …”… we bestowed grace aforetime on David…”

S. 4:163 …inspiration…to David, we gave the Psalms…
S. 17:55 …we gave to David the gift of the Psalms.
S. 21:105,106 . . . we have written in the Psalms after the Torah . . .”
S. 34:10 …we bestowed grace aforetime on David from ourselves…”
S. 38:20 … we established his kingdom …

T 2 Samuel 7:8-­‐15 . . . I will raise up your seed (descendent) after you, . . . and I will establish his kingdom forever. . .”
T I Chronicles 17:10-­‐14-­‐27 “. . . I will set up one of your descendents after you, who will be of your sons; and I will establish his kingdom . . . I will be his father and he shall be My son; . . . and his throne shall be established forever. . .”
Z Psalm 2
Z Psalm 45:6,7
Z Psalm 110
Z Psalm 21,22 (see also Mark 15:16-­‐38)
T Isaiah 53
I Matthew 1:1

6. Jonah (Yunis) . . . he glorified God . . . (37:143) . . . Grace from his Lord reached him… (68:49)
S. 37:139-­‐148 . . . story of Jonah . . . “had it not been that he glorified God . . .” (37:143) S. 10:94-­‐98 . . . nor be of those who reject the signs of God . . .except the people of Jonah.
S. 21:87-­‐88 . . . remember Jonah . . . warned Assyrian capital . . . he cried through the
depths of darkness . . . we delivered him . . .
S. 68:48-­‐50 . . . wait with patience for the command of the Lord, and be not like the
companion of the fish . . . grace from his Lord reached him T Jonah, esp.:

T Jonah 1:17 “. . . and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights.” T Jonah 3:4,5 “. . . Jonah cried out . . . then the people of Nineveh believed in God . . .”
I Matthew 12:39-­‐41 “. . . no sign shall be given it except the sign of Jonah the prophet; for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. . .” 1 Cor 15:3,4

7. John (Yahya) …”…confirming a word from Allah…” (S. 3:39) . . . Behold the Lamb of God . . . (John 1:29)

S. 3:38‐41 …Zakariyya prayed…Yahya confirming a word from Allah, a master, chaste, and a righteous prophet…
S. 19:1-­15 . . . Yahya, take the book with power . . . we gave him judgment, tenderness and purity from us. He was godly . . .

T. Isaiah 40:3 . . . A voice is calling, “Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make a straight path in the desert for our God.”
I Luke 1:5-­25, 57‐80 . . . “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways; To give to His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins, Because of the tender mercy of our God, . . .”
I Matthew 3:1-­3,11 “…he is making ready the way of the Lord…”
I John 1:29 “. . . Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
I John 1:30-­‐34 “. . He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and have born witness . . .”

8. Jesus (Isa) . . . “a sign unto men . . .” (19:19) “this is the straight way”. . . (3:51)

S. 19:16-­‐34 . . . a sinless son (19:19) . . . a sign unto men and a mercy from us (19:21) . . . a servant of God, he hath given me revelation and made me a prophet
(19:30) . . .blessed me (19:31) . . . a statement of truth (19:34)
S. 3:45-­‐55 . . . a word from him: his name shall be Jesus the Christ
held in honor in this world and the next . . . and of the company of those nearest to God (3:45) . . . God will teach him The Book and wisdom, The Law and The Gospel (3:48) . . . created out of clay a bird . . . healed those blind and lepers . . . gives life to the dead . . . (3:49) . . . I caused you to die and raised you to myself . . . (3:55)
S. 21:91 “We breathed into her who guarded her chastity of our Spirit, and made her and her son a sign for all mankind” (See also S 66:12)
S. 43:61-­‐63 “. . . and obey Me (Jesus) this is the straight path . . .”

T. Isaiah 53:6
I John 1:29 “. . . Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world . . .”
I Matthew 1:18-­‐2 “. . . He will save his people from their sins . . . they shall call his name Immanuel, which translated means God with us . . .”
I John 14:6
I John 18:36,37
I Acts 10:34-­‐43 “. . . you know of Jesus of Nazareth . . . they put him to death . . . God raised him up on the third day . . . through his name everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins.”

9.Muhammad …“I am only a warner…” S.46:9

S. 2:151 . . . a messenger . . . reading our signs to you. . . and teaching you what you did not know.
S. 2:211-­‐213 . . . we brought them miraculous signs . . . Allah guides those he wills to a straight path . . .
S. 3:101 How can you disbelieve when Allah’s signs are recited to you, and his messenger is among you. Whoever clings to Allah has been guided to a straight path.
S. 5:110 . . . (Isa) you heal the blind . . . you cleanse the leper . . . you raise the dead . . . S. 6:126 This is your Lord’s straight path. We explain our signs to people who remember.
S. 19:21 It is easy for me, and [this is] so that we will make him (Isa) a sign for people, and a mercy from us. This was a predestined matter.
S. 46:9 Say, “I am not a new invention among the messengers, and I do not know what will be done to me or to you. I only follow what I am inspired with. I am only a clear warner.”
S. 79:45 You are only a warner for those who fear it.

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